Romania’s Game-Changing Move: A Bold Leap in Online Gambling License Fees!

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Written By iGaming

iGaming Express, a dedicated team of gambling experts proudly serving the Industry since 2014 

Romania’s online gambling landscape is witnessing significant shifts. In a surprising move, the Romanian government has greenlighted a substantial hike in annual gambling licensing fees across all categories.

This bold decision was part of an emergency ordinance unveiled on Thursday, introducing comprehensive reforms in Romania’s gambling regulations. These pivotal changes encompass steeper licensing fees, revamped advertising guidelines, a stringent prohibition on alcohol within gaming venues, and a mandatory clause for gambling enterprises to establish a fiscal headquarters within Romanian borders.

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At iGaming Express, we deliver holistic solutions, ensuring a smooth entry into the Romanian iGaming sphere with B2C and B2B licenses. Our comprehensive package includes company incorporation, banking assistance, legal advice, and all pivotal services custom-tailored to your unique requirements.

The B2C and B2B licenses in Romania are acclaimed for their cost-effectiveness, establishing them as the premier choices for visionary entrepreneurs poised to launch their online gaming enterprises. With these licenses, you can dive into a vibrant gaming market without stretching your budget, all while adhering to rigorous and respected regulatory standards.

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Update October 30th, 2023

Mandatory Registration for EU Companies in Romania

GEO 82/2023 has brought about a significant amendment to GEO 77/2009. Now, commercial companies from EU states, states part of the European Economic Agreement, or the Swiss Confederation are mandated to establish a permanent headquarters in Romania. This establishment must adhere to the specifications outlined in art. 8 of Law no. 227/2015, pertaining to the Fiscal Code.

New Gaming Oversight Body Formed Next to ONJN

Alongside the ONJN, a fresh organization has been established, vested with several responsibilities. Key among these are the prevention of gambling addiction and the deployment of activities and programs safeguarding minors and other susceptible groups—both socio-economically and otherwise—against the risks of gambling. The organization’s mandate also extends to the promotion of responsible gambling, treatment of gambling addiction, and responsible gambling advertising.

This body will develop a robust IT infrastructure, encompassing both hardware and software elements. A central feature of this system will be a national database designed to combat gambling addiction. This database will hold records of self-excluded and blacklisted individuals. Additionally, a dedicated communication line, “Telverde” will be established.

Revenue Structure

The organization’s revenue is primarily sourced from the annual contributions of licensed gambling operators. The breakdown is as follows:

1Remote gambling operators, Class I:€500,000
2Directly involved entities in both traditional and remote gambling, Class II:€15,000
3State monopoly remote games, Class III:€100,000
4Traditional gambling operators:
Lotto Games€200,000
Video lottery games: fee per device€100
Pari-mutuel betting:€50,000
Fixed-odds betting:€200,000
Return betting:€100,000
Casino-specific games: fee per game table€4,000
Poker club games: fee per club€5,000
Slot-machine games: A tiered approach is employed:
per authorized slot in 2024.€300
per authorized slot from 2025 onward€500
Bingo games in gaming halls:€5,000
Television network bingo games:€500,000

In a move that underscores the government’s commitment to responsible gambling, 70% of these increased contributions will bolster the state treasury. The remaining 30% will be channeled towards initiatives promoting responsible gambling.

Annual Licensing Fees for Games of Chance

A significant alteration brought forth by the OUG is the substantial hike in licensing fees. This pivotal shift not only reshapes the financial landscape for stakeholders but also underscores the evolving regulatory environment in the sector. By raising the licensing fees, the OUG is likely aiming to streamline the market, ensuring that only serious and committed players remain active. This move can be seen as a way to elevate industry standards, protect consumers, and enhance the overall credibility of the market.

Explore the latest fee structure for gambling licenses, showcasing significant increases across multiple categories when compared to previous rates. Dive in to see how the changes might impact on your operations.

1Lotto Games€200,000
2Mutual Bets€65,000
3Fixed Odds Bets€200,000
4Counter Bets€150,000
5Casino Games€150,000
6Poker Club Games€25,000
7Slot-Machine Games€150,000
8Bingo Games (Gaming Rooms)€15,000
9Bingo Games (TV Networks)€150,000
10Remote Gambling Licenses Categories
Class 1 License: Aimed at remote gambling operators engaging directly with players€300,000
Class 2 License: For entities in traditional and remote gambling, as well as conformity assessment bodies. The following type of business require licensing: Operators offering platform management and hostingPayment processorsSoftware producers/distributors for gamblingAffiliatesCertifiersAuditorsConformity assessment entities€20,000
Class 3 License: For lottery game operators€200,000
11Poker Festival€20,000
12Temporary Casino Games (3-month validity)€27,500
13Raffle Games (Traditional)€20,000
14Video Lottery Games (Traditional)€100,000

Yearly Authorization Fees for Gambling Activities:

Unravel the new yearly fee framework for gambling operations, reflecting notable changes in rates across multiple game categories. Discover what’s in store for both traditional and remote gambling platforms.

1Traditional Lotto Games€300,000
2Mutual Bets (Traditional): 21% of the game revenues, with a minimum fee of€120,000
3Fixed Odds Bets (Traditional): 21% of game revenues, with a baseline of€200,000
4Counter Bets (Traditional): 21% of game revenues, with a minimum fee of€200,000
5Casino Games:
In Bucharest: fee per table€70,000
Outside Bucharest: fee per table€40,000
6Poker Club:
In Bucharest: fee per location€82,500
Outside Bucharest: fee per location€38,500
 Slot Machines Games:€27,500
7Class A Slot Machina€5,300
8Bingo (Gaming Rooms): fee per hall. Plus, 5% of the value of cards bought from the “National Printing Company”.€7,500
9Bingo (TV Networks): 23% of game revenues, with a minimum of€150,000
10Remote Gambling (Class 1 & 3): 21% of game revenues, starting at€400,000
11Poker Festival:€35,000
12Temporary Casino Games (3-month validity): fee per table€22,000
13Raffle Games: fee per venue. Additionally, 5% of the ticket value purchased from the “National Printing Company”.€85,000

A Safety Net for Licensing

To ensure financial security, operators are obligated to maintain minimum capital reserves, especially if they default on licensing fees. Depending on an enterprise’s revenue, these mandatory reserves could touch €1,000,000 by 2025.

Guarantee Levels to Cover Risk of Non-payment:

Traditional Gambling Activity (excluding casinos):

  • For 2024: The guarantee is based on the organizer’s income level:
    • Up to €5,000,000/year: €500,000 guarantee
    • €5,000,001 to €20,000,000/year: €800,000 guarantee
    • Above €20,000,001: €1,000,000 guarantee
  • From January 1, 2025: A flat guarantee of €1,000,000, irrespective of the organizer’s income.

Casino Gaming (Traditional):

  • Guarantee: €3,000,000

Online Gambling Activity (excluding online casinos):

  • For 2024: The guarantee is based on the organizer’s income level:
    • Up to €5,000,000/year: €500,000 guarantee
    • €5,000,001 to €20,000,000/year: €1,000,000 guarantee
    • Above €20,000,001: €2,000,000 guarantee
  • From January 1, 2025: A flat guarantee of €2,000,000, irrespective of the organizer’s income.

Online Casino Activity:

  • For 2024: The guarantee is based on the organizer’s income level:
    • Up to €5,000,000/year: €1,000,000 guarantee
    • €5,000,001 to €20,000,000/year: €2,000,000 guarantee
    • Above €20,000,001: €5,000,000 guarantee
  • From January 1, 2025: A flat guarantee of €5,000,000, irrespective of the organizer’s income.

Redefining Gambling Ads in Romania

Promotional campaigns by operators are undergoing a transformation as well. Operators must prominently display their ONJN license in all promotional materials and refrain from dispatching unsolicited electronic messages. Furthermore, advertising on billboards exceeding 35 square meters is strictly off-limits.

While the ordinance’s approval was widely anticipated, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu’s remarks on Tuesday grabbed attention. He candidly addressed the criticisms, asserting that he wouldn’t bow down to threats from the gaming sector, a subtle dig at past politicians who allegedly yielded to industry pressures.


The recent uptick in license fees, guarantees, and social fees underscores a commitment to bolstering player safety and ensuring a more regulated and responsible gaming environment in Romania. These changes not only reflect a proactive approach to address potential gambling-related issues but also ensure that only the most dedicated and genuine operators thrive in the market. By setting a higher financial threshold, the landscape is primed to favor those operators who are serious about adhering to standards and delivering a secure gaming experience. In the end, these measures are a testament to Romania’s dedication to protecting its citizens while also allowing committed operators to continue serving their clientele responsibly.

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